Inspiration: Life as a Buzzfeed Quiz

Sometimes I wish that our lives could be like a Buzzfeed quiz. You know the ones. They ask you your favorite animal, when was the last time you ate cheese and to pick your favorite color of glitter. And then, BAM, an answer. If we could compile all of our random favorites and get a brilliant answer that unlocks a fulfilling life it would be pretttty great.

But then I thought about it and I realized that we CAN do exactly that. I mean, we can't go to Buzzfeed's website and find a quiz titled, "The Answer to Abby's Life" (and if you did happen to find that, please take it and tell me the answer!), but we can compile all our favorites and make something of it.
Guys, options are literally endless.

{below: on a walk//campus pre-rain}
Also, can I just say that the Canon Powershot my parents surprised me with has been SUCH a great creativity tool. 

{below: later that day//campus post-rain}
So, friends, go out there and DO. Do anything out of the ordinary, little or big. Go out of your way to help people. Live a healthy lifestyle. Get out of your comfort zone-that's where the magic happens!

Best way to follow along: Bloglovin'
Even more Abby time found here: InstagramPinterestFacebook and Google+


  1. OOps, I deleted my comment! Love your blog!! and your style! How cool to get a new camera! I've been blogging for 4 years, let me know if I can help with anything. How long have you been blogging?

    1. Thanks Melanie! That's great to know I can come to you with questions. I've only been blogging for a few months so I'm still getting the hang of it. That's so funny that we both know Annemarie!


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