Adventuring: Spokane

R O A D T R I P 
They are seriously my favorite. Climbing into a car in the morning and knowing there are hours of driving ahead of me is one of my FAVORITE feelings. So. This past weekend was obviously perfect. I was surprised to see how beautiful Spokane was as we explored. Here are some of my favorite shots.
 Look at that detail! The architecture downtown was SO good. So good.
Here are the people I so dearly love. Liv and Mikal are cute per usual and Taylor is continuing to be his wonderful self. Hanging out with them for 72ish hours was such a great adventure.
Holla at those cheekbones!
Spokane has the largest urban waterfall in the United States! Just learned something new, didn't you?
Comfy adventuring clothes are my favorite. Also, I love getting $50 sandals for $9.99. Yup.
Everybody was making me crack smiles all weekend; I couldn't make a serious face to save my life. It was the best.
The sky was constantly changing to different shades of amazing blue!
So, basically, go out there and have adventures! They can be simple too; don't overthink them. The important thing is to just start. Let go of worries that they won't be perfect, or that you don't have enough planned, or that you don't know about the place you're going to. I guarantee that once you get there, everything will fall into place. It always does.



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